How tiny tweaks can beat big corporate bull 24 years ago, I became the fastest home loan generator in the history of General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC Mortgage). How did I do it? For starters, I didn’t use their platitude-filled postcards, flyers, letters, and…
Who wants to hear about you? What I am about to suggest to you is so basic I'm almost ashamed. But it's utterly essential - and too often ignored. What's more, checking on it may do you more immediate good than all sorts…
Try an incentive. Do you like eating and drinking? I do. Do you like saving money? Me too. I'm so cheap sometimes I feel almost embarrassed. Are you curious? Of course, or you wouldn't be reading this. So last Saturday, I…
The Obvious Is Always Overlooked There's a valuable incentive for you and your colleagues later - but first, another shameful admission. Nobody loves a know-all, so I hope you haven't got the idea that I think I know everything and do it all…