Author: Eric Valdivieso

The Valdivieso Method > Articles by: Eric Valdivieso

In this article we will go over customer service arts in hotels... All hotels – whether large or small, part of a group or an independent, luxury or budget – could do well to recognize and adopt this Sanskrit saying: “Atithi Devo Bhavah“ This means…

Service Arts for Restaurants... Let me train your teams to create awe-inspiring customer service results towards how you treat your customers. Good customer service is rare. Exceeding customer expectations is rarer still. That’s because customer service does not come naturally to most people. But it…

Service Arts Training & Coaching with Eric Valdivieso...   When I train individuals and teams, I makes it very clear the importance of the position. How prestigious it really is.   The impact customer-facing staff can have on people’s lives. How great service can make…

Service Arts by Eric Valdivieso... If we are to believe what the media tell us, then you are experiencing a tsunami of hungry, enthusiastic diners descending on your hotel and restaurant, now things are normal again. It's fantastic, much-needed news.  But, are you ready? Are…


Jonathan Tisch

CEO Loews Hotels & Co-Owner of the New York Giants

“Over the last few years, my family and I have had the pleasure to watch and enjoy, as Eric Valdivieso, nightly deliver a dining experience that is truly enjoyable. From the moment that we are welcomed by Eric at the door, to sitting at the bar and enjoying the suggestions and company to an amazing dinner, it is always one of our favorite nights. And Eric graciously and seamlessly choreographs this entire experience, without breaking a sweat. Eric truly understands hospitality, and what makes a great restaurant so great.”